Tuesday, May 5, 2015


I'm really excited to be home. I have a lot of projects planned, most of them embroidery. My current project is stitching on a t-shirt. The idea came from me pestering a friend with ideas for his print making project. He didn't go with my ideas, with good reason I can be a bit silly, but his project turned out beautifully. I'm hoping this project will be really funky when finished. I'm going to use a lot of bright colors and I hope to push my stitching further then ever.

If you have kept up with my posts you'll know I was in a crafting class this last semester. Well the teacher had a giveaway at the end of the class. There where 2 drawings. The first I got tea....really unlucky of me as it was a mostly empty box and I really hate tea. The second drawing I hit the jack pot with this lovely embroidery stand.

I also wanted to show off this lovely new chest I picked up. I've been craving furniture lately. I believe it stems from how clustered my room has gotten with my obsessive collecting of books has gotten and the need to move to a bigger space. Not that I have the means to do that as of right now. It still is a lovely piece and makes everything stored it it smell absolutely lovely.

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