My first skip of the new year. Shame shame. In my defense I got so much done. I went to the doctor in the morning. We managed to talk about everything that I wanted too as well as managed to avoid those I didn't. I had my blood drawn which went so much better then I could have hoped for. See I get shocky whenever I read or hear someone talking about blood. In Biology I even had the teacher stop her lecture on blood types and ask if I was alright. I didn't feel anything when my blood was taken. Maybe it was too quick but the prick didn't hurt so it is all good.
Now just to wait for what horrible thing is wrong with me.
After that we went to eat because we couldn't eat for 12 hours before the test. Then the shopping. I couldn't find any Zippers at the BX, Big Lots, or Staples, not that I expected too. At Big Lots I picked up 4 new fabrics for bags and a new thing of yarn which was just the cutest blue.
When I got home, and much of this morning, I started my first piece for my portfolio. Or at least what may become my portfolio. I have one year before I hope to be able to get into art school. I also have not forgotten this little gallery down the way. I'm trying to get my crap together so I can. I am such a failure in regards to jobs. I also finished up part two of my intro essays over at Imperial Anthology. I'm so looking foreword to being able to read more into the book now that I got that part out of the way.
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